02 Mar Jobs in March for Week 1
- In a sunny garden, it’s possible to grow chillies. Fill pots and trays with multi purpose compost, firm and water, scatter seed and cover with vermiculite. Put in a propagator.
- Plant shallots, onions and early potatoes
- Harvest rhubarb forced in late January.
- Feed roses
- Start sowing seeds.
- Cannas; Pot them on. They can be split. Take pieces off huge rhizomes using a sharp knife. Pot them on separately using compost.
- Now is the time to plant Galanthus (snowdrops), Aconites and Cyclamen coum.
- Buy and plant summer flowering bulbs, such as Dahlias.
Trim over wintering heathers
Stock up greenhouse with baby bedding plants
Check regularly to see if the lawn needs mowing.
Lift and re plant daffodils after they've died back
Remove plastic covering once seeds have appeared, to air and prevent rot.
Fill trays with compost.