20 Feb Jobs in February for Week 3
- Erect wind protection netting around recent planted evergreens
- Make a crop rotation plan for the veg patch
- Force rhubarb crowns with a bin or forcing pot.
- Protect small Camellias and Magnolia from frost with fleece
- Cut back Clematis Viticella in late winter
- Prune witch hazels (Hamamelis mollis). They are slow growing, so keep this to a minimum. Cut back dead branches. Don’t leave stumps. Cut back to live, healthy wood.
- Divide Use a fork to life a clump.
- Where Hostas are replanted, put down compost or manure. Also use a granular fertiliser.
- Keep vigorous climbers like Campsis and Wisteria pruned now. Newly planted Wisteria; cut all shoots to 30cm from the base to stimulate shoot growth.
- Feed weak climbers with Growmore.
Wash pots and trays for seed sowing later.
Dig out and warm areas for early sowing and secure plastic on soil.