10 Feb Jobs in February for Week 2
- Check the soil and edge of the lawn aren’t wet and squidgey. If so, leave work until the soil is drier.
- If soil conditions are suitable, plant bare rooted hedging.
- Can sow broad beans now
- Lift forcing jars off rhubarb to check and replace.
- Remove weeds from veg patch and cover bare patches with plastic sheets.
- Cut off dead stems of herbaceous plants at ground level
- Prune late flowering clematis, such as the ‘Viticella ‘ group. Lowest stems; cut stem just above and pull out cut stems.
- Protect emerging shoots of Hostas, Delphiniums, Tulips, Iris, Hyacinths, Lilies, Lupins and Campanulas from slugs.
- Stake Delphiniums and Phlox
- Divide snowdrops after flowering, but before they die down.
- Protect any new plant shoots with sand, eggshells and grit.
Feed borders by applying a general fertiliser, like manure or chicken manure.
Lightly fork bare soil and mulch with organic matter, or compost or manure.