02 Feb Jobs in February for Week 1
- Grow lilies in pots
- Start Dahlias and Cannas into growth; take Dahlia cuttings now to make new plants. Plant Cannas; 50:50 multipurpose compost and perlite.
- Prepare vegetable beds ready for Spring planting. Sow peas, beetroot, spinach and ‘Early Nantes’ carrots under cover now. Also sow; Salad leaves, broad beans, peas, greenhouse tomatoes, bell peppers, chilli, swiss chard, courgettes, radishes and aubergines all in the greenhouse.
- Chit the seed of first early potato varieties. Potatoes chitted can be planted out in March
- Cover blossom of early flowering peaches with fleece to protect them from frost
- Do winter pruning of apples, pears, currants and gooseberries.
Remove debris and fallen leaves
Tidy the garden. Trim and tie back straggly branches, clear containers standing with dead plants.• Tidy the garden. Trim and tie back straggly branches, clear containers standing with dead plants.
Keep bird feeders topped up.