10 Jan Jobs in January for Week 2
- When the weather is decent, clean out nesting boxes ready for any early birds wanting to nest.
- Keep Cyclamen in cool, frost free spots for the rest of the year. They will flourish in porches and unheated rooms that get a lot of light.
- Sow leek seeds and onions, broad beans and lettuce.
- Keep harvesting brussel sprouts and parsnips
- Sow onion seed in the greenhouse
- Keep deadheading winter pansies and primulas in containers
- Sow seeds of Pelargoniums, Begonias and Lobelia
- Reduce watering poinsettias in March; prune back to 10cm. Increase watering in May.
- Sow sweetpeas (put in, in mid October)
- Keep checking on bulbs being forced for an indoor display
Clean and sharpen tools
Get lawn mower serviced
Keep weeding to keep chickweed and groundsel at bay
Tidy up the shed; sort out pots into sizes
Clean mowers and strimmers
Remove piles of leaves off wet lawns
On mild days, open greenhouse vents